Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for a newborn baby. Only breast milk fully meets the baby’s needs and satiates the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
However, breastfeeding is not always possible. Then milk formula comes to the rescue. Before switching to formula or mixed feeding, think carefully and visit your pediatrician.
Babies are often allergic to baby formula
Most baby formula is made from cow’s milk or whey. It seems that milk can not be dangerous for the baby because everyone knows it is so nutritious! In fact, cow’s milk – is quite heavy and difficult to digest for an immature baby’s stomach. In addition, milk protein itself is an allergen, which causes various adverse reactions not only in children but also in adults. Allergic reactions occur in children to egg white and gluten, which are also included in most baby formula.
Milk protein can be a key factor in the development of allergies. When hypoallergenic food is produced, the milk protein is broken down in a special production process to form protein building blocks, which the baby’s body perceives as less foreign. Thus, hypoallergenic food helps to reduce the risk of allergies.
What are the common signs of allergic reactions?
Digestive problems, frequent regurgitation, body rashes, trouble sleeping – all these symptoms may indicate an allergy to formula feeding.
Parents should always note such signs because ignoring them will lead to more health issues in the newborn.
If there are changes in the well-being of a baby who has been switched to formula feeding, you should contact your pediatrician so that he or she can prescribe the type of formula which does not cause an allergic reaction.
Hypoallergenic baby formula can be used not only for babies suffering from allergies. They are suitable for babies with increased gas, colic, and digestive problems. In addition, such food is better to choose for babies prone to allergic reactions. Remember that allergies are often a hereditary disease. If mom or dad has allergies, it is better to reassure yourself. And formula will be a good prevention of the disease.
Differences between the hypoallergenic and regular formula
Hypoallergenic formula is a specialized food for babies in their first year of life to treat or prevent food allergies.
The food is based on vegetable or animal proteins that have undergone hydrolysis, i.e., have been broken down.
The hydrolysis process produces amino acids and peptides, which are essential for the child’s body and are better absorbed than proteins that have not been broken down.
Hypoallergenic formulas and the base contain other additives that improve the taste of the food and bring it closer to breast milk in terms of composition.
The ideal ratio of carbohydrate and fat composition, bifidobacteria, vitamin and mineral complex, and albumin allows us to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and promote the physical and mental development of the newborn.
The most critical point is to choose a hypoallergenic formula only after the doctor’s prescription. Only a specialist can comprehensively evaluate all the factors contributing to the decision to introduce such a therapeutic food, and offers only the highest quality options for your little one’s balanced diet.