Most probably, this error pops up if the system doesn’t upgrade or hampers you to boot your computer. There’s no one way going about it, but here we’d be guiding you through the steps that we’ve followed ourselves and that brought us the results.
It may seem like a daunting task, but we’ve ensured it gets as easy as it possibly can be.
Note: Don’t miss out on even a single step because this may lead you to nowhere.
Let’s get right into it, and find out Why Bootrec/Fixboot access is denied/How to repair it.
Step 1: It’s the Boot repair method. The first step that you need to take is simply to turn off your computer system. In the beginning, it may take a while but just give it a go.
Once it’s done, then re-do the process a couple of times more in order to get yourself exposed to a “Repair Screen.”
Step 2: As we’re utilizing the repair operation of the system, we need to select “Troubleshoot.”
That’s primarily used to filter out any possible errors.
Step 3:
Select Advance Options > Command Prompt
Command Prompt is where you’d be inserting the commands you need your system to operate on.
Step 4: Here, you need to type in 2x commands enlisted below,
- Diskpart
- List Disk
Remember, you can’t rectify the sequence because that might introduce an error in the process.
So, type “Diskpart” after System32> and press Enter.
The next thing is to type “List Disk” after DISKPART> and like you did before, press Enter.
Step 5: Now, you need to select a disk where the window is installed. You don’t exactly have to copy this step because the disk where you’ve your windows installed may vary.
For this particular system, it’s Disk 0, and that’s the prime reason why we’ve replaced “Disk” with “Disk 0”.
It could be Disk 1 or Disk 2 for your system. Before you make a move, do check it out.
Step 6: In this step, you’re to use the “Select vol” command in the command prompt, but you need to make sure of a couple of things.
- Do you have 100 MB of storage in the disk you’ve selected?
- Is it following the FAT32 format?
Note: Format can easily be read via the popped-up catalog; it’s 3rd column from the left to be precise.
If it complies with the criteria mentioned above, now is the time to hop on to the next thing.
Step 7: Above steps, if followed, will expose you to a list of “Volumes.”
In our case, it’s “Vol 5,” so we have replaced “Select vol” with “Select vol 5”.
Step 8:
That’s where you’d be assigning an alphabet to your drive. This could be anything;
you don’t really have to give it a second thought.
Type in “Assign letter:V” and press Enter.
Note: V is just a random letter, mind it.
Step 8: Until now, you’ve been inserting the commands in Diskpart. Now, it’s time to exit Diskpart with an exit command.
Type “exit,” and there you go!
Step 9: Select V drive by typing in “V:”
Run the command mentioned below, just Copy-Paste it:
bcdboot C: /windows /s V: /f UEFI
Now, you’re free to close the window.
Step 10: You’re almost there. Now re-do step 1 to open a ‘Troubleshoot’” menu and click on “Continue” as shown in the image, to proceed.
That’s all you need to do, and to further familiarize yourself with the solutions in Windows systems, reach out to Itprospt.
Final words
We’ve laid down the process in tiny steps and have tried to disseminate the message clearly and concisely. We guarantee the results if all of these steps are followed in a sequential manner.
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